Welcome to The Term Dates

School Holiday Dates and Public Holidays.

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School Holidays Wales

School Holidays England

School Holidays Scotland

Please be advised that all School specific Holidays can vary and we strongly advise checking the schools website for up to date information.

The reason for The Term Dates

The Term dates exists because I’ve been in the situation where I’ve totally lost track of days and have forgotten when terms begin and end, what days I need to arrange childcare and when to book holidays. It’s a resource for everyone. Not only do we cover school holidays, but we also look into Bank Holidays, Public Holidays and include dates provided by local councils.

Did you Know?

Did you know that some Welsh medium schools have holidays at different times than English schools? You usually find that a Welsh medium school will have half term a week after English schools. Bank holidays are the same but half term can and usually does differ slightly. In Wales, the local authorities set the school holidays days and there may also be different dates for different regions. We’ll cover these as best as we can, but it’s always a good idea to double check with the school directly.

Christmas Holidays

The Christmas Holidays usually start around the 20th December, but can vary depending on the school and location. Christmas is a time where you may have more days off work, especially if you work for yourself and businesses you deal with are also closed. The Christmas Holidays usually last 2 -3 weeks but again, varies depending on school and location.

Autumn Term

The first term of the year, starting at the beginning of September in England and Wales and generally a little earlier in Scotland . The first half term falls towards the end of October around Halloween time and can last for 1 or 2 weeks depending on the school. The term then continues until the Christmas Holidays in late December.

Easter Holidays

Chocolate. What more is there to say?! Easter Holidays last for 2 weeks, but the dates of the holidays can vary significantly. The Easter holidays revolves around the paschal full moon, which can occur between the 22nd March and 25th April. Depending on when the holiday falls, the spring term can see very long

Spring Term

The Spring term is the second term of the year and starts in January, once all the fun and mess of Christmas is out of the way. In England and Wales, there is a half term around mid February, usually around Valentines day. In Scotland, there is no February half term. The Spring Term end late March or Early April, depending on when Easter falls.

Summer Term

Summer Term begins after the Easter Holidays. As if kids didn’t get enough time off for Summer, there’s a half term towards the end of May. Summer term takes us to around mid July and in Scotland it says a bit earlier, at the end of June. Summer Holidays then kick off and last for around 6 weeks, finishing usually within the first couple of days of September, then all the fun starts all over again.

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