
When is Easter 2022

202215th AprilFridayGood FridayNational
18th AprilMondayEaster MondayNational Excl Scotland


When is Easter 2023

20237th AprilFridayGood FridayNational
10th AprilMondayEaster MondayNational excl Scotland


When is Easter 2024

202429th MarchFridayGood FridayNational
1st AprilMondayEaster MondayNational excl Scotland

Easter is one of the most important days on a Christians calendar. In commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus and to celebrate his defeat of death to bring hope and salvation.

It is believed that the custom of eggs at Easter was from a Persian tradition where eggs were stained red to symbolise the blood of Christ that was shed in his crucifixion.  Of course, things have changed a bit over the years and now people over the world eat copious amounts of chocolate in celebration, even if not religious in any way.

Another tradition of Easter in the UK is the consumption of hot cross buns. Even though these are available year round, we brits like to indulge in eating a few on Good Friday. The Christian side of this is to mark the end of lent, a 40 day period (not including Sundays) where they chose to give up certain foods and festivals to test their self-discipline. Lent 2022 in the UK begins on Wednesday 2nd March and ends on Thursday 14th April.

Easter Previous Years

20212nd AprilFridayGood FridayNational
5th AprilMondayEaster MondayNational Excl Scotland
202010th AprilFridayGood FridayNational
13th AprilMondayEaster MondayNational excl Scotland
201919th AprilFridayGood FridayNational
22nd AprilMondayEaster MondayNational excl Scotland
201830th MarchFridayGood FridayNational
2nd AprilMondayEaster MondayNational excl Scotland



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